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LEAVING CHELTENHAM …………..and all that was dear |
Cheltenham (Public Library) Roll of Honour Book 1914 – 1919 Surnames D, E and F |
Location: Cheltenham Library, Clarence Street |
Location: SO 947226 |
Unveiled: |
Names listed on this Roll of Honour: |
Last Visited: April 2003 |
IWM War Memorial Ref: In due course |
Alphabetical list of names in this Roll of Honour |
Surnames – D (49) |
Surnames – E |
Surnames – F |
Dale S G Danby J L Dance H A W Dartnall H T Dartnall W J Davies A H Davies A J * Davis A D * Davis A E * Davis E Davis E A Davis E G Davis S Davis T Davis W * Dean S Deane E Dearden J F Delaney C J Delmar-Williamson G F Denchfield H Denley E Dennett F Dennis C Derrick J L Desages O L Desages W R Dicks E Dicks F J N Dighton L P Diston D W Dix A Dodwell H R Dodwell J H Dowding S Downes W N Drake W S Draper F M * Drew E Driscoll F M Driscoll J P Driver A Du Boulay A H Du Boulay L H Dunn H A P Dunn R T Dutton C Dyer H A Dyer S E |
Those marked with * should be linked with the notes against their name below. |
Notes: 1. Davies A J is most probably Alfred John Davis. 2. Davis A D is most probably Albert Ernest Davis. 3. Davis A E is Albert Edward Davis. 4. Davis W has yet to be unidentified. 5. Draper F M is most probably Ralph Piercy Draper. |
Page l;ast updated: 9th March 2009
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