LEAVING CHELTENHAM …………..and all that was dear |
Cheltenham War Memorial East Panel – Gloucestershire Regiment |
Location: The Promenade, Cheltenham |
Grid Reference: SO 948224 |
Unveiled: 1st October 1921 |
IWM War Memorial Ref: 20599 |
Names listed on this Panel: 467 |
Alphabetical list of names on East Panel (Gloucestershire Regiment) Those marked with * should be linked with the notes against their name in the lower panel below |
Aldridge H E Amery E J Arkell P Arter F J Artus E R Arundell H R * Ashfield G Askew A * Ayers C * Badcock M F Baker J B * Baker T Ballinger A Ballinger F W Ballinger P * Banning W Barnett E W * Barnfield W Barratt H C E Bassett E J Bates A E Bates W J Baylis W J L Beale R A Beard C E * Beard C E * Bedwell G J H Berry H Betteridge E L Bevan W H Biggs C * Black A J Blackwell W Blake F Bliss W J Bond E C Bond J H Bowen J Bowstead J E Boyce C W Brazener A C H Bridgeman F E * Brien C Brooker A Brooker G Brookes E A Brookes E W * Brooks E W * Broom A * Brown D * Brown E Brown F J Brown S Browning E C * Bullingham C G Burford H H Burnell J C Burnett A J Burnett W C Burton J A Butler G H Butler H F A Caldwell W J R Camden C B Carter G W * Carter W E F Casey F Castle J * Challenger A E Cheshire J P * Chess E H * Child W D Claridge T E Clarke B G * Clements C F * Cleveley W Clifford F Cole R W * Coles C A Collins M J B Cook A R * Cook A W Cooke G E * Cooke P A Cooke W J Cookley P T * Coole F A Coombs W J * Cooper A E Cooper A M Cooper W * Corke H W * Cosier W R Cossens W T Cowley F Cox A Cox A H * Cox E * Cox J C Crabb J G Craddock J W * Cratchley W A Creech A E Creech R A J Creed W Cribb P E Crooke E H Cummins P Dale S G Danby J L Dance H A W Dartnall W J Davis A E Davis E Davis E A Davis F G Delaney C J Dicks E Diston S Dix A E C Dodwell H R Dodwell J H Downes W N Drake W H Drew W E Driscoll F M Driscoll J P * Driver A E Dutton C Edwards G F Elliott R Emmes T H Enoch A W G Essery J Evans R W Evans T Fear G F Fennell J H C Field H G K Field B F V * Fitts S A * Flint G I * Flowers W J Flynn E J Ford E W Fordham A F M Fowles A J Fox H Freebury C F * Fry R G * Fry V W * Fryer R E Gabb A V Gabell D R C * Gage F W Gainer G J Gainer H * Gapper E G Gapper J * Gardner A H Garner E Garner H * Gay G * Gay T P Gegg F R Gibbons A F Gibbs I R Giles C W Goatman C Gosling P A G Gostlow A G Goulding A J B * Gray E Green F E * Green F R Greening G H Grimsby G Grinnell F Grinnell T J * Gurney K G * Hack J W Hale F G * Haley J * Hall H Hanks E B * Harding A E Hardinge A * Harewell W Hargrave H C Harper C H * Harper H G W * Harris L B Harrison A Harrison A E Hart W Haslam S H * Hawker A V * Hawker F J * Hawkins A * Hawkins P StC * Hawkins W Hawling D Hayden H Hayling A P Heeks A Hemmings G Hickman W P Hiles W H Hill F Hill H Hobbs H T Hobbs W V Holder H Holland E H Hopkins F J Hopton C J * Hopton W * Hounslow J Howes W S Humphrey J H Humphris W C * Hunt F Hunt O J Iddles A C Inglis A M Ireland W H Ivin A E Jackson A E Jakeway F Jarvis W F Jeanes W Jeenes A Jefferies G H * Jelfs A E |
Jenkins A W Jenkins E C Jenkins F Jenkins H W * Jenkins J J Jenkins W H Jennings W A Jones C L Jones E Jones G Jones G A Jones J Jones J * Jones W E Jones W G Jordan T C Kearsey F Keeling E J Keen E L * King E J King J S King L Kingston C R Kitz H W * Lacey H C Lake N G Lane A J Lane F Lane H A Layng G R S Lea G Leach S R Little S E * Lloyd T D Lockey A G Long C C Long F Lovell A M Loveridge T * Lyes E C * Mace C H W Mace F J Mahon S A Maisey E J Marshall H A Martin J D Martin J N Maslin A G * Mason F G Matthews A Matthews H Matthews W H Maybrey A J McCormick E McIntosh E F * Mead H E Meredith C J * Mills G Mills W S C Mitchell W Mitford H J Moon A H J V Morgan H Morgan W H Morten E Mott W J Mulliss H T * Murphy F C Murphy T Murray E Mustoe F Mustoe R Nash G H Negus R A Newman J Oakley W J O’Hagan G Oliver G N Organ A J Organ G H Organ L Page A E Page J R B * Page W G Parnell G Parry A E Pascoe A W Pates J H Patrick H Pay J H Paynter F * Peachey T Pearce C H W Pearce J Pearce W E Peart A W * Perry S H * Peters J A Plumb F J Pontin W T Pontin R S Poole A E * Potter H Powell C W C Powis F Price A P Price C R Price J L Privett H A Pulham A W Pulham F E Purnell F W Ralph H W Randall H F Randall S A Ransom V J Ratcliffe F Raven H E Rawlings C W E Reay L Redman W T Reeves L H F Rickerby J H E * Ricketts E G Ricketts G H Rimell R I Rivers F E Rivers W Roberts A T V Roberts S * Robins E E Robinson E * Robinson G E Roddis F W Rodgers C G Ross G E H Rowland F Ruck W G Rummings A * Rummings A A * Rutland A C Ryles C Savory J * Screen J * Sharp H Shellam W Sheward T E Short C E Silvester L J Simms A W * Sims A * Sims H G Skinner E C Slender N Smart C A Smith E Smith E G Smith F (rank) Smith F (Frederick) Smith H G Smith W (William) F (rancis) Smith W J Soanes J G * Spawton W F Spencer A J Spencer F G Stangoe G Steel F Stephens A (Albert) W Stephens A (Arthur) W Stephens W G Stevens G E Stevens J Stiley W L Stoneman J R Stroud W Sullivan D W Summers H G Swann G Taylor C Taylor F W Taylor J H Taylor O J Thomas H G * Thornton L N Tidy F T Townley H Trinder L F Turbyfield H A Turner A P * Turner G Underhill S J Ursell A Ursell G J T Ursell W A S Vick E * Villar R H Wakefield J E Wallace H Walters E C Ward C H Ward H G Waring W Warner E P Wasley A G Watkins W A Watts J A Watts T Webb H StC C * Wells W W Wentworth C J Wheeler R A Whitby E White A L Whittingham A E Wicks C Williams A * Williams A * Williams A * Williams A J Williams E Williams H Williams J Willoughby E C Wilson W G H Winterbotham C W Woore A C Woore A G Workman F Y * Yeates A J * Young H F W Young W A Young W J |
Notes: 1. Arundell’s original battlefield grave marker is located near the entrance to Cheltenham Cemetery. 2. Askew is commemorated on the Gloucester War Memorial. 3. Baker J B is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 4. Ballinger P L is commemorated on Gloucester War Memorial. 5. Barnett is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 6. Beard C E is probably Charles Ernest Beard who appears to be commemorated twice on this panel. 7. Biggs is commemorated on the Sevenhampton War Memorial. 8. Bridgeman is probably Frederick Ewart Bridgman. 9. Brookes E W is probably Ernest Walter Brooks, who is also listed as Brooks E W. 10. Broom was serving with 9th Bn Worcs Regt at the time of his death. No record of service with the Glos Regt. 11. Brown D is probably Alan Francis Donald Brown. 12. Browning E C is probably Edwin Ormonde Browning. 13. Carter G W is commemorated on the family grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 14. Castle had transferred to the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment when he was killed. 15. Cheshire J P is probably James Richard Cheshire. He is commemorated on the grave of relatives in Leckhampton (St Peter’s) Churchyard. 16. Chess is commemorated on the grave of his parents in Charlton Kings (St Mary’s) Churchyard. 17. Clarke is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 18. Clements is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 19. Cole is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 20. Cook A R is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 21. Cooke G E is probably George Edward Cook. 22. Cookley is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 23. Coombs W J is probably Wilfred James Coombes. 24. Cooper W H is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 25. Corke is commemorated in St Lawrence’s Church Swindon Village and his original battlefield grave marker is located in Cheltenham Cemetery. 26. Cox A H is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 27. Cox E is probably Frank Ernest Sidney Cox and is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 28. Craddock is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 29. Driscoll brothers are commemorated on their father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 30. Field B F V is also known as Brian Fitzgerald Ventris-Field. 31. Fitts is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 32. Flint G I is probably Gilbert John Flint. 33. Freebury is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 34. Fry R G is buried in Charlton Kings Cemetery. 35. Fry V W is commemorated but returned to Cheltenham after the monument was erected. He died in 1977. 36. Gabell was serving with the Royal Air Force at the time of his death. He is buried in Swindon Village (St Lawrence’s) Churchyard 37. Garner H is probably Samuel Henry Gardner. 38. Goulding was serving in the Labour Corps when he died. 39. Green F E was serving with the Royal Welsh Fusiliers when he was killed. He never served in the Gloucestershire Regiment. 40. Grinnell T J was serving with the Machine Gun Corps when he died. 41. Gurney’s original battlefield grave marker is located near the entrance to Cheltenham Cemetery. 42. Hale is buried in Seaford Cemetery. 43. Hanks is commemorated on his parent’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 44. Hardinge is probably Albert Harding. 45. Harper C H is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 46. Harper H G is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 47. Haslam is probably Sidney Howard Haslum. 48. Hawker brothers are commemorated on their parent’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 49. Hawkins brothers are commemorated on their father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 50. Hopton C J is probably William Aisles Charles Job Hopton who is also commemorated as Hopton W. 51. Humphris is probably William Charles Humphries. 52. Field B R V is probably Brian Fitzgerald Ventris-Field. 53. Jefferies is probably George Henry Jeffries who is also commemorated on the Winchcombe War Memorial. 54. Jenkins W H is probably Harry William Jenkins – listed on the memorial as Jenkins W H. 55. Jones J is probably listed twice. 56. Keen is commemorated on the a family grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 57. Kitz is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 58. Little S E is probably Sidney George Little. 59. Loveridge is buried in a multiple CWGC plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 60. Lyes E C is probably Charles Edward Lyes. 61. Maslin’s original battlefield grave marker is located near the entrance to Cheltenham Cemetery. 62. Meredith is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 64. Morgan W H is listed twice on this panel. As Morgan H and as Morgan W H. 65. Mulliss H T is probably Henry Francis Mulliss. 66. McIntosh is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 67. Paynter is probably Frederick Painter though the spelling of this soldier’s surname is under investigation. 68. Peart is probably William Arthur Peart. 69. Perry is probably Herbert Sidney Perry. 70. Poole may well have been Pool. 71. Rickerby’s original battlefield marker is located near the entrance to Cheltenham Cemetery. 72. Roberts S is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 73. Robinson E is commemorated on the family grave in Prestbury (St Mary’s) Churchyard. 74. Rummings A is also listed as Rummings A A. 75. Savory is commemorated on the grave of his son in Cheltenham Cemetery. 76. Screen was serving in the Royal Defence Corps when he died. 77. Simms A W is probably Arthur William Sims who is also listed as Sims A. 78. Sims H G is buried in Charlton Kings Cemetery. 79. Smith E is commemorated on the grave of his father in Cheltenham Cemetery and his original battlefield grave marker is located near to the entrance to Cheltenham Cemetery. 80. Soanes is probably John George Soames. 81. Thomas is commemorated on the grave of his parents in Cheltenham Cemetery. 82. Turner A P is probably Arthur Richard Turner. 83. Vick is commemorated on the grave of his father in Cheltenham Cemetery. 84. Webb is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 85. The three Williams A are probably – Alec Morgan Williams, Alfred Williams, duplication of one of the above. 86. Workman is commemorated on the grave of his father in Cheltenham Cemetery. 87. Yeates is commemorated on the grave of his father in Cheltenham Cemetery. |
Unidentified/Possible Double Commemorations |
1. Beard C E. Is listed twice on this panel. Pte Charles Ernest Beard served with 7th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 8th August 1915. The other Beard C E is a double commemoration or is otherwise unidentified. 2. Brooks E W. Is most probably Pte Ernest Walter Brooks who served with 2/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment who died of wounds as a POW of the Germans on 21st March 1918. Brookes E W is another commemoration of this soldier or, if not, is unidentified. 3. Cooke G E. Is most probably Pte George Edward Cook who served with 15th (Reserve) Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment, 93rd Training Reserve Battalion and 51st (Young soldiers) Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, and died of illness on 28th October 1918. The name of Cooke G E cannot otherwise be identified. 4. Coombs W J. Is most probably Pte Wilfred James Coombes who served with 14th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 21st October 1917. The name of Coombs W J cannot otherwise be identified. 5. Cox E. Is most probably Pte Frank Ernest Sidney Cox who served with 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and died of wounds on 29th August 1918. The name of Cox E cannot otherwise be identified. 6. Flint G I. Is most probably Pte Gilbert John Flint who served with 8th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and killed in action on 18th April 1918. The name of Flint G I cannot otherwise be identified. 7. Gainer H. This commemoration could be one of three soldiers. Pte Horace James Gainer of 5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment, whose death and burial details have not yet been traced. Pte Hubert Gainer, who, according to the “Roll of Honour” published by the Gloucestershire Echo in August 1916, was killed whilst serving with the 10th Battalion Gloucestershire. This may well refer to Pte Gilbert James Gainer who died of wounds on 26th September 1915 whilst serving with 10th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. The commemoration may well be to Sgt H Garner who was killed in action on 25th September 1915 whilst serving with 10th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. 8. Gay G. This commemoration could be one of two soldiers. Pte Gilbert Gay of the Manchester Regiment, formerly Gloucestershire Regiment, or Pte George Gay of the Gloucestershire Regiment, formerly Worcestershire Regiment. 9. Haley J. This commemoration most probably refers to a Pte John Tomas Haley who served in the 1/6th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment whose death and burial details have not yet been traced.. 10. Hardinge A. Is most probably Cpl Albert Harding who served with 10th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 5th October 1915. Hardinge A could not otherwise be identified. 11. Haslam S H. Is most probably Pte Sidney Howard Haslum who served with 2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 1st September 1918. Haslam S H could not otherwise be identified. 12. Hopton C J. Is most probably Pte William Aisles Charles Job Hopton who served with 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 8th October 1915. Hopton C J could not otherwise be identified. 13. Hopton W. Probable duplicate commemoration of the above soldier. Hopton W could not otherwise be identified. 14. Humphris W C. Is most probably Pte William Charles Humphries who served with Gloucestershire Regiment then probably transferred to the Labour prior to his discharge from the Army. Died of illness on 21st February 1921. Humphris W C could not otherwise be identified. 15. Jeanes W. Is most probably Pte William Jeenes who served with 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 5th November 1914. Jeanes W could not otherwise be identified. 16. Jefferies G H. Is most probably LCpl George Henry Jeffries who served with 2/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 22nd August 1917. It could also refer to Pte George Henry Jefferies of Bristol, who served with the Royal Berkshire Regiment, but this is unlikely. 17. Jones J. Probable duplicate commemoration of Pte Jesse Jones who served with 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and who was killed in action on 9th May 1915. It could also refer to a Pte Jesse Jones of 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment who was born in Tetbury an resided in Cheltenham when he enlisted. He died of wounds on 20th December 1915. There is a Jesse Jones who is listed on the Elkstone (St John’s Church) Roll of Honour. 18. Little S E. Is most probably SSgt Sidney George Little who served with 12th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and died of wounds on 28th June 1918. Little S E could not otherwise be identified. 19. Lyes E C. Is most probably Pte Charles Edward Lyes who served with 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 9th May 1915. Lyes E C could not otherwise be identified. 20. Morgan H. Is most probably Sgt William Harry Morgan who served with 1/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 13th May 1915. Morgan H could not otherwise be identified. 21. Mulliss H T. Is most probably Pte Henry Francis Mulliss who served with 2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and who was killed in action on 31st October 1916. Mulliss H T could not otherwise be identified. 22. Pearce J. This soldier is yet to be identified. 23. Peart A W. Is most probably Pte William Arthur Peart who served with 10th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and who was killed in action on 13th October 1915. Peart A W could not otherwise be identified. 24. Poole A E. Is most probably Pte Arthur Edward Pool who served with 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and who died of wounds in the UK on 21st June 1916. Poole A E could not otherwise be identified. 25. Rummings A. Is most probably listed twice on this panel – as LSgt A A Rummings who served with 12th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and who was killed in action on 3rd September 1916. 26. Simms W A. Is most probably Pte Arthur William Sims who served with 1/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 21st July 1916. Simms W A could not otherwise be identified. 27. Soanes G. Is most probably Pte John George Soames who served with 8th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and was killed in action on 3rd July 1916. Soanes G could not otherwise be identified. 28. Turner A P. Is most probably Pte Arthur Richard Turner who served with 7th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment who died of wounds on 12th August 1915. Turner A P could not otherwise be identified. 29. Williams A. Is most probably listed twice on this panel, as Pte Alfred Williams who served with 7th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment who was killed in action on 25th February 1917. |
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