Hollybrook Memorial


   LEAVING CHELTENHAM …………..and all that was dear



   Cheltonians Commemorated

On the Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton

There is 1 Cheltonian commemorated on the Hollybrook Memorial

Location:   Tremona Road, Southampton

Grid Reference:   


Cheltonians listed on this War Memorial:   1

Visited:   March 2003

IWM War Memorial Ref:   21616

The Hollybrook Memorial commemorates by name almost 1,900 servicemen and women of the Commonwealth land and air forces* whose graves are not known, many of whom were lost in transports or other vessels torpedoed or mined in home waters (*Officers and men of the Commonwealth’s navies who have no grave but the sea are commemorated on memorials elsewhere). The memorial also bears the names of those who were lost or buried at sea, or who died at home but whose bodies could not be recovered for burial.

Cheltonians commemorated on this War Memorial

Pte Thomas Harry WHITE, Hampshire Carabiniers Yeomanry, was drowned at sea on 10th October 1918 when the RMS Leinster was torpedoed by a German submarine in the Irish Sea.   He has no known grave but the sea and is commemorated on this memorial.


He is also commemorated on the Cheltenham War Memorial.


He resided at 8 Mapledene Cottages, Naunton Lane, Cheltenham.






Page last updated:   18th March 2014

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