Roll of Honour of Officers of the Monmouthshire Regiment Who Died in the Great War |
Cap badge of 1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment at time of Great War Copyright and source: British Military Badges |
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Regimental Details of the Monmouthshire Regiment as published in The Army List (August 1918)
Welcome Thank you for visiting this site. The information presented on this site has in the main been obtained from the public domain and is therefore freely available to all who wish to copy material from it. The author is solely responsible for its content and every attempt has been made to ensure its accuracy. The site should be considered as a living document since information is constantly being expanded and updated. The site was first posted to the internet on16th January 2015.
Site Author The site author can be contacted here:
Aim of the Website/Project The aim of the project/website is simple. It is to collate into one place an accurate record of the death of the 87 officers of the Monmouthshire Regiment who died in the Great War and to make a permanent record of their sacrifice. These officers served and died for their country on land, sea and in the air. A detailed statistical analysis of these 87 officers can be viewed here.
Research Research is continuing for further information which will be posted on the site as soon as it can be verified.
Navigation Click on the appropriate heading at the side or foot of this page, or on appropriate hyperlinks within the text of this page, to gain access to the page you want to view. A comprehensive site map can be seen here, to assist in navigating around the site.
Site Development An enormous amount of relevant information is available through the following organisations and publications:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission There appears to be some apparent anomalies in the individual records in the Debt of Honour Register maintained by the CWGC and these are listed here with the suggested corrective action taken, and the long term aim is to correct all of these inaccuracies.
Accuracy The author has taken every reasonable care to ensure that the information on this website is as accurate as possible. Please contact the author should errors or omissions be discovered by visitors to the site in order that corrective action can be taken. Contact details are shown above.
Intended Viewers The site is intended for researchers, military and family historians and anyone who is keen to discover this all too significant history of the Monmouthshire Regiment.
The Monmouthshire Regiment During the Great War this Territorial Force Regiment was organised into Battalions as described here. A total of 10 battalions were raised during the course of the war but only 3 saw active service, all in France and Flanders.
Other Regiments Also recorded and honoured in this website/project are the names of the officers of the Gloucestershire Regiment and of the South Wales Borderers who died in the Great War. These can be viewed here:
Copyright and source – Imperial War Museum, under Share and Re-use
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Written by Robert Laurence Binyon – 1914 |
Page last amended: 26th October 2017
| Home Page | Analysis | Commonwealth War Graves Commission | Monmouthshire Regiment in the Great War |
| Roll of Honour | Roll of Honour By Name |
| Roll of Honour by Year | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 – 1921 |
| Site Map |
| Officers of The Gloucestershire Regiment | Officers of The South Wales Borderers |
| Officers of the Herefordshire Regiment |