LEAVING CHELTENHAM …………..and all that was dear |
Cheltenham War Memorial North Panel (Jackson – Yeandle) |
Location: The Promenade, Cheltenham |
Grid Reference: SO 948224 |
Erected: 1st October 1921 |
IWM War Memorial Ref: 20599 |
Names listed on this Panel: 391 |
Alphabetical list of names on North Panel (J – Y) Those marked with * should be linked with the notes against their name in the “Notes” panel below |
Jackson J E W Jacobs A H James F * James F A James H Jamieson G A Jelfs J W Jenkins A E Jenkins E F * Jenkins J A Jennings W J * Johnston H B H * Johnstone C * Jones E J * Jones E M Jones F Jones F Jones J W * Jones T S Jones W Jones W G Jones W L Jones W S Jordan W H * Joynes J Karn V S Kay N R W Keen W C H Kensington D * Kidd S Kilbey W T * King A P King T Kitson R H Knight E Landale J R * Lane R E Langley T Lapworth F * Larner E A Launchbury J F * Lawrence A E Lawrence R Lawrence-Townsend R E * Lawson G B Lea E Leach C H Lefeaux J F Legg W T * Leslie R F W F Lewis E Lewis G Lewis T F Lillie F S Lismore C * Little T Littledale A C Lloyd C G Lloyd E * Lloyd O R Lock E * Locke D W Locke H Lodge F G Lodwick J I * Long E * Long G H Lonsdale R Lousada B C * Lousada A * Lusty C F S Lyon R A * MacGregor A M * Mackay D R C Madder S H B Maher F W Mahon W H J Maisey A G Mallett C J Mansbridge S Mansfield A Mansfield E Margetts A Marment C S * Marsden E Marshall A N Marshall H G Marshfield E * Martin F Martin W S Mason A * Mason E C Mason H J Mason J C Mather E * Mather J K * Mather R * Matthews F Matthews G Matthews W May R H Mayfield C McKay W E Meats H Merrett A Meyricke R J C Miffin J * Miles R * Miles R * Miles W H Miller G W Mills F Minchin W S Mitchell G * Mitchell P G * Mitchell S * Mitchem H J * Montagnon B C Moody J A Moore A Moorman A Morgan C G Morris A Morris A Morris G Morris J E Mott L W Mottram P J Mouatt-Biggs E Moulder W Mourbey A J * Moxey A V Moxey E L Mulhearn W E Munday B Musgrove G H S * Mustoe F V Mustoe H Nash F T Nesbitt M S Newman F J Newman H J Niblett C Nind F A Noake B S * Norris E Noyes R E Oakley-Brown V O’Brien D O’Callaghan D M Oldham L W S Oliver E J Oliver L J Oliver J S Onion J W * Osborne H C B * Owens W G * Page H J Page J Page J R * Page W Painter A E Pardington R W J Parker G L * Parker H T Parkyn L C Paul W E Payne H E * Pearce C M Pearce H W Pearce N A Peart H Peck B P * Pemberton O Pemberton V T Percival C V N Perry A Perry G Phillips A Phillips J Phillott C G R * Phipps W * Piers W B * Pigott G E * Pigott R A Pockett R Poole A Pope C H * Porter E H Porter W H Powell A F * Powis L H Preece D H Preece F E Preston A Prendergast C R |
Pritchett A O Privett J F * Price A H * Price J W Purveur W J Ralph H E * Ram G E * Ransom G E Rathbone G P Rawlings E L * Read A M, VC * Read F H Reed H W T Reeves S R Regan W * Reid J G Rendol A G Reynold D, VC * Richards T G Richings T C Rivers E W G Roberts A Roff W J * Rogers S G * Rolph C Rolph G W Rowe A R * Ruck R F * Russell A C * Russell J Russell N J G Sanders J E Saunders A Savage F Savile H * Scamell H M Scott J S B Seaborne A E * Seates H Seward A * Sharp F G Sharp R Shaw G H Shaw G H Shaw L G Sheen M Shellam C Shellam J Sheppard C L Sherwood R V Simpson E H Sims A H Singer F C * Skeen J * Skeen T * Skeen J T Skey C Skinner E V Slatter L A Smith A * Smith A C Smith A F Smith A H * Smith W ** Smith W H Southcomb E H Staines J M Stainforth R T Staite W T Stallard W H * Stanley G Stephens F T Stephens S T Stibbs J A Stock J L W * Stock J M T * Storey F Stothard S * Strachan A * Strachan A C Strange F G * Stroud S C * Stubbs G * Such H * Summers A * Sumner P G Swiney E R R * Swinhoe E A Swinley G D * Symonds C E Tandy H Tanner A Tanner H G Tanner J C * Tarone A Tarone F Taylor A E Taylor A E * Taylor E H Taylor E J * Taylor F Taylor H M Taylor J Taylor W H F Terry C W * Terry F G * Thomas E L Thomas H D Thomas P G Thomas S A Thompson E J * Thompson S B * Thomson H G A Thornton G R H Thorpe H G Thoyts F G G * Timms R E Todd-Naylor W B Tombs R Toms P J * Tovey J W Townley F * Townsend C S Townsend D * Townsend J Trevenen S V * Tuke F H Turnbull H V C * Turner E Turner G Turner H Turner H G * Turner R C Vale H C * Vallender S Vanrenen A S * Varder L Vaughan G C Voile M C * Waghorne F Waitt R C Walkley A Walter W F Walton J * Walton G J * Ward B E Ward B T Ward C A J Ward F Ward F A Ward G H Ward H C N Warren J B Weaver L H Weavin W H Webb E M Webb W Webber F B Welch A G * Welch V E O Wells S C Wheeler E G ** Wheeler F H Wheeler T G * White T H * Whittingham F J Wicksey E Wigley C J Wilkins J Wilks C P * Williams F Williams H Williams R W H ** Williams W Willis H D * Willis W D Willoughby J G Windiate B F Winstone C G * Winter P Winter W B Witchell E A Wood J P * Wood P H * Woodward H W Woollcombe-Boyce H C Woolnough F J * Woore W A Workman R Worsey T A Wright D Wright F Wright G R Wright S R Yeandle W H * |
Unidentified/Possible Double Commemorations |
1. Johnstone is most probably Pte Christopher Johnston, 50 Aux Bus Coy RASC, who died of illness in France on 4th November 1918. 2. Kilbey is most probably Pte William Tillin Kilby, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, who was killed in action in Belgium on 29th October 1914. He is also commemorated on the Driffield War Memorial. Kilbey W T is otherwise unidentified. 3. Lawrence-Townsend. Investigations continue to establish the correct surname. It may well have been just Townsend. 4. Lismore. Investigations continue to establish surname. Most probably Lissemore. 5. Lodwick J I is most probably Major John Thomas Lodwick 3rd Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army, who was lost at sea on 30th December 1915 when SS Persia was torpedoed off Crete. Lodwick J I is otherwise unidentified. 6. Long E is most probably Pte William Ernest Long, 2/5th Battalion London Regiment, who died of wounds in France on 25th April 1918. Long E is otherwise unidentified. 7. Lousada A is most probably Captain Edward Arthur Lousada, 2nd Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, who was killed in action in Belgium on 2nd November 1914. Lousada A is otherwise unidentified. 8. Mason A is most probably Ernest Mason, who served in the Mercantile Marine (SS Sycamore) and was killed at sea on 25th August 1917. Mason A is otherwise unidentified. 9. Miffin J is most probably Pte John Miflin, who served with 5th Reserve Battalion Machine Gun Corps and died in the UK on 27th November 1918. 10. Miles R is commemorated twice. Once as Sapper R Miles Royal Engineers and once as Pte R Miles of the Liverpool Regiment and the RAF. He was killed in action in Belgium on 18th April 1918. 11. Mitchell G (George), 9th Battalion Welsh Regiment, is commemorated twice. Once as Mitchell S and the other as Mitchell G. He was killed in action in France on 25th September 1915. 12. Parker G L is most probably Pte George Frederick Parker, who served with the Labour Corps and died of wounds in France on 18th July 1917. 13. Peck B P is most probably Bertram Ernest Peck, who served with 2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers and was killed in action in Gallipoli on 7th August 1915. 14. Phipps W is most probably Charles William Phipps, who served with 8th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment and was killed in action in Belgium on 1st August 1917. 15. Reynold is most probably Major Douglas Reynolds, VC, who served with the Royal Field Artillery and died of wounds in France on 3rd February 1916. 16. Seaborne A E is most probably Pte Albert Edward Seaborn, who served with 2nd Battalion Yorkshire regiment and died of wounds on 29th April 1918. 17. Skeen J is most probably Pte Arthur James Skeen, known as “Jim”, who was serving with 2/4th Battalion Hampshire Regiment and was killed in action in France on 25th July 1918. 18. Skeen T is most probably Pte George Thomas Skeen, known as “Tom”, who was serving with 7th Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment, and was killed in action in France on 24th September 1918. 19. Smith W is most probably Sgt Maj William Henry Smith, 1/5th Battalion Sherwood Foresters who was accidentally killed in France on 13th February 1916. 20. Stothard is most probably Major Sydney Boyle Stotherd, 7th Battalion Suffolk Regiment, who was killed in action in France on 19th October 1915. He is also commemorated on the West Panel of this War Memorial. 21. Townsend D is most probably Pte David Townshend, who was serving with 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles and died of wounds in France on 15th October 1916. 22. Walton J is most probably Pte Frederick James Walton, 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, who was killed in action in France on 20th August 1916. 23. Welch A G is most probably Able Seaman Arthur Joseph Welch, Anson Battalion 63rd Royal Naval Division, who died of wounds in France on 25th March 1918. 24. Wheeler E G is most probably Pte Thomas Gilbert Wheeler, 12th Battalion London Regiment, who was killed in action in France on 8th September 1916. He is commemorated on his father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 25. Wheeler T G is most probably Tpr Thomas Henry Wheeler, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, who was killed in action in Palestine on 9th January 1917. 26. Williams R W H is most probably Sgt Philip William Henry Williams, RAMC retired, who died in the UK on 27th February 1918 and is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 27. Wood J P is most probably commemorated twice on this panel – the other as Wood P H, both of the Worcestershire Regiment. Pte John Percy Wood, 10th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, was killed in action in France on 13th January 1917. 28. Yeandle W H is most probably Cpl Henry William Yeandle, 14th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, who was killed in action in France on 20th May 1917. |
Notes: 1. James F is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 2. Jenkins E F is commemorated on the Somerset County Book of Remembrance. 3. Jennings is commemorated on the Royal Glos Hussars War Memorial in the grounds of Gloucester Cathedral. 4. Johnston H B H is commemorated on the family grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 5. Jones E J is commemorated on the Winchcombe War Memorial. 6. Jones J W is commemorated on the family grave in Cheltenham Cemetery and on the Somerset County Book of Remembrance. 7. Jordan W H is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 8. Kensington is commemorated on a plaque in St Luke’s Church. 9. Landale is commemorated on the grave of his father in Cheltenham Cemetery. 10. Lapworth is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 11. Launchbury is commemorated on Winchcombe War Memorial. 12. Legg is commemorated on the grave of his parents in Cheltenham Cemetery. 13. Lloyd E is commemorated in the Canadian First World War Book of Remembrance (Page 55) under the name of Ernest Blick. 13a. Lock is commemorated on the grave of his mother in Cheltenham Cemetery. 14. Long E is commemorated on the grave of his father in Cheltenham Cemetery. 15. Lousada brothers are commemorated on the family plot in Leckhampton (St Paul’s) Churchyard. 16. Lyon’s original battlefield grave marker is located in Cheltenham Cemetery. 17. MacGregor also known as Murray-MacGregor. 18. Marment is buried in Wandsworth Cemetery, London. 19. Marshfield is commemorated on the Gloucester War Memorial. 20. Mather brothers are commemorated on the grave of their father in Cheltenham Cemetery. 21. Miffin (Mifflin) is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 22. Mills F is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 23. Mitchell P G is commemorated on the family grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 24. Mitchem is commemorated on the Manchester Regiment Roll of Honour in Manchester Cathedral. 25. Mourbey is commemorated on the Royal Glos Hussars War Memorial in the grounds of Gloucester Cathedral. 26. Musgrove is commemorated on the grave of his parents in Cheltenham Cemetery. 27. Noake is commemorated on his father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 28. Onion is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 29. Osborne is buried in Ramsgate Cemetery. 30. Owens is buried in Winchester (West Hill) Cemetery. 31. Page J R is also listed on the East Panel and is commemorated on the grave of his parents in Cheltenham Cemetery. 32. Parkyn is buried in Trelleck (St Nicholas) Churchyard, Monmouthshire and is commemorated on the Trelleck (St Nicholas Church) Roll of Honour. 33. Payne is commemorated on Gloucester War Memorial. 34. Phillott is commemorated on the grave of his parents in Charlton Kings Cemetery. 35. Piers is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 36. Pigott G E is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 37. Pope is commemorated on the Elkstone (St John’s Church) Roll of Honour and on a plaque in St John’s Church Elkstone. 38. Powell A F is buried in Dalmeny Cemetery, Linlithgow, Scotland. 39. Preston is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 40. Price A H is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 41. Privett is buried in Kirkdale Cemetery, Liverpool. 42. Ralph’s original battlefield grave marker is located in Cheltenham Cemetery. 43. Ram is buried in Brompton Cemetery, Kensington. 44. Rawlings is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 45. Read’s CWGC headstone can be found here. 46. Regan’s original battlefield grave marker is located in Cheltenham Cemetery. 47. Reynolds is commemorated on his father’s grave in Leckhampton (St Paul’s) Churchyard. 48. Roff is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 49. Rogers S G is commemorated on the grave of his mother in Cheltenham Cemetery. 50. Rowe is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 51. Ruck is commemorated on a relative’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 52. Russell A C is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 53. Savile is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 54. Seward is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 55. Singer is commemorated on a the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 56. Smith A is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 57. Smith A H is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 58. Smith W is commemorated on the family plot in Cheltenham Cemetery. 59. Stallard is commemorated in the Chapel of the Manchester Regiment in Manchester Cathedral. 60. Stock brothers are commemorated on their father’s grave in Leckhampton (St Paul’s) Churchyard. 61. Strachan A is buried in Torquay Extramural Cemetery. 62. Strange is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 63. Stroud is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 64. Stubbs is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 65. Such is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 66. Summers is buried in Caterham Burial Ground, Surrey. 67. Swiney is commemorated on the grave of his parents in Leckhampton (St Paul’s) Churchyard. 68. Swinley is commemorated on a plaque in Christ Church. 69. Tanner J C is buried in Eversley (St Mary’s) Churchyard, Hants. 70. Taylor A E is commemorated on his mother’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 71. Taylor E J is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 72. Terry C W is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 73. Terry is commemorated on his brother’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 74. Thompson E J and S B are commemorated on the grave of his parents in Leckhampton (St Paul’s) Churchyard. 75. Thoyts is commemorated on the Somerset County Book of Remembrance 76. Toms is commemorated on his father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 77. Townley is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 78. Trevenen’s original battlefield grave marker is located in St Stephen’s Church. 79. Turnbull is commemorated on his parent’s grave in Bishops Cleeve (St Michael’s) Churchyard. 80. Turner H G is commemorated on a relative’s grave in Charlton Kings (St Mary’s) Churchyard. 81. Vale is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 82. Vanrenen is commemorated on his father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 83. Voile is commemorated on his father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 84. Walton G J is buried in St Albans Cemetery, Herts. 85. Wheeler E G (T G) is commemorated on his father’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 86. White is commemorated on the Southampton (Hollybrook) War Memorial. 87. Wilks is commemorated on his wife’s grave at Teddington (St Nicholas) Churchyard. 88. Williams R W H (PWH) is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 89. Willis H D is commemorated on the family grave in Charlton Kings (St Mary’s) Churchyard. 90. Winstone is commemorated on his father’s grave in Swindon Village (St Lawrence’s) Churchyard. 91. Woolnough is commemorated on his family’s grave in Cheltenham Cemetery. 92. Yeandle is commemorated on the family grave in Leckhampton (St Paul’s) Churchyard. |
Page last updated: 21st August 2011
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